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How To Hold a Dog Lead – Learn The Correct Way To Hold a Dog Lead

Written by Assistant
Assistant is passionate about all sorts of domesticated pets. They have written dozens of articles across the web.
Published on
Wednesday 15 December 2021
Last updated on
Sunday 24 October 2021
holding a dog lead
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Before owning a dog you may often find yourself researching everything about their care and needed products to make sure you are completely prepared. Some topics may seem strange or even obvious to new dog owners. However, we all need to start somewhere and a good dog owner is one who is prepared and ready to learn! If you are looking into how to hold a dog lead there are multiple factors to consider. How holding it affects your safety, your dog’s safety, and even the comfort of you both. It’s not a silly question to ask and deserves answers to help you and your pup.

This article will be a mini lead guide to explain how to use a dog lead, as well as why, and the perfect type for you. We also include some of the most highly searched questions on the internet to help. ready? Let’s go.

What are Dog Leads

A dog lead or leash are tools used to help control your dog and keep them safe. They are varying lengths and at one end have a handle for you to hold, and at the other have a metal clasp to attach to a collar or to a harness. They exist to help guide your dog or stop them from running away or towards something. Many owners keep their dogs on a leash when they go on a walk, especially if they are not good with recall. This prevents them from running away, running towards others dogs, or even running into traffic. Furthermore, it helps guide your dog if you are walking a new route that they have not walked before.

Importance of a Dog Lead

Dog leads help to guide your dog, but more importantly, they keep them safe. Firstly they can prevent your dog from running away and getting lost. Even with good recall skills, breeds such as Greyhounds have a high prey drive and may chase a rabbit far enough away to get lost. Furthermore, dogs with dog aggression or severe anxiety need leashes to prevent possible injuries or attacks. Even if your dog is very friendly, a leash can help guide them away from a potentially aggressive dog. They can even help stop your dog from eating some food left on the sidewalk. Which if you have a food-orientated dog means that they could gobble down something unhealthy in seconds.

Types of Dog Leads

Knowing the different types of dog leads and leashes allows you to find the perfect match for you and your pup. The classic dog leash is a piece of material with a handle at one end and a clasp at the other. A great choice for a regular dog. However, every dog is different. In the case of smaller dogs who love to smell everywhere but have good recall, a retractable leash may be a great match. These are leashes that extend a long way away to allow your dog to sniff all around, whilst still being safe on their leash.

Another choice is a chain lead. These have metal chains connecting the handle and clip as opposed to metal. It offers the benefit of strength resistant material that a heavy-duty chewer cannot break. In the long run, this can save a lot of money and help deter leash chewing. Another option to consider is a multi-dog leash for those with more than one dog. It has a single handle but the material stretches to connect to two separate clips, one for each dog. Some even have more than two clasps!

How To Hold a Dog Lead

Now for the main event: how to hold a dog lead properly! Each lead type will require different techniques so we will explain based on the original design. Note that if you need any tailored help it is best to contact a professional such as those in dog training classes for walking. Now onto our tips:

  • Hold the handle of the leash firmly but without causing discomfort to your hand
  • Ensure that you do not wrap the leash around your hand. This can cause bruising or a lack of blood flow if your dog pulls. Furthermore, it can make it easier for your dog to pull and the leash to slip out of your hand
  • Make sure that the leash you purchase is not too long if your dog struggles with behavioral issues. It should allow your dog to walk with ease. However, they should not be able to get so far ahead of you that you could have concerns in any quickly turning negative situation
  • If you own a leash with any fine or strong materials, such as a chain lead, keep your hands and fingers clear of everything but the handle. This material could cause serious damage to your skin or hands if they are in the way before your dog pulls. Beyond the injury, this could cause you to let go and your dog to become free
walking on the left side
The reason why handlers hold dogs on their left side is that it is the side closest to the human heart.

How to Hold a Dog Lead: FAQ

Here are the most searched questions concerning holding a dog lead and how to do so well.

Should dogs be walked on a lead?

Mostly our answer is that you should always walk a dog on their lead. Only in specific areas that allow your dog to be leash-free, and that your dog is well trained, should they be let off. A dog lead offers many benefits to your dog’s health, safety, and safety. Dogs you do not know can be unpredictable and this can lead to a lot of issues. If you really want to let your dog off the lead, be sure to go to dog parks or areas that are safe and secure.

Why do dogs pull on their lead?

Excitement, anxiety, frustration, and a lack of training are some of the reasons that a dog may pull on their lead. To properly find out why your dog does so we advise going to a behaviorist. They can examine your pup to see if the issue is larger than then being excited about going for a walk. Each cause also would need tailored treatment to stop your dog pulling.

Can you hurt your dog by pulling on the leash?

You should never pull your dog whilst they are on their leash unless it is an emergency. Doing so can cause neck and back injuries, choking, anxiety, a lack of trust, and other concerning physical and mental health issues. This behavior teaches your dog that sometimes, you may cause them fear and pain and they most likely do not know why. This can put them on edge and even cause aggression or depression. Instead of pulling, use positive reinforcement and training to help your dog become better behaved.

What are the best kinds of leads?

This depends on your dog and their behavior. We would often advise rope leads as they are strong, weather-resistant, and easy to clean. However, most lead types available hold some great benefits. Weigh the pros and cons of each to find the best for you and your dog.

What is the difference between a lead and a leash?

The actual product is the same, something with a handle, clasp, and material in the middle. However, a lead is often used to describe that which is used to lead horses. Whereas a leash is a term used mainly for household pets.

A dog lead offers safety to you and your dog whilst out on a walk. They are a very beneficial, and in our eyes essential, tool. Knowing how to hold a dog lead properly can prevent injuries to you and your dog. More than that, it can prevent accidents from occurring that could lead to you dropping the lead and your dog running away. All devastating outcomes which any owner would want to avoid. Knowing these tips can help prevent these situations and allow you more comfort out on a dog walk. Also, the choice of your dog’s leash can be just as important as how you use it. So take your time and be sure of the product!

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