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Dog Nutrition

Breeding Business Tuesday 9 May 2023
a dog holding an empty food bowl to ask for food

Caring for your dogs means spending long hours learning about their needs and how to fulfill them healthily. Cost always plays a role in grooming, feeding, or supplementing our dogs.

To cut the long hours of research for you, we’ve compiled this comprehensive page where you’ll find all the information you need to provide your dog with the care it needs.

Important Nutrients

Often, dogs suffer from specific health issues because of vitamin or mineral deficiency. A dog’s body needs to receive a balanced ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins from its diet. The nutritional needs of the dogs depend on their age, breed, and overall health condition.

As a dog breeder or dog owner, you should have a basic understanding of the nutritional requirements of dogs. It will help you select the most nutritious food for your dog without a need for any additional supplements. Moreover, you can prepare a balanced diet at home if you know what your dog’s body asks for every day that passes.

Proteins & Amino acids

Proteins are a must-have ingredient in a dog’s food. Protein macromolecules are made of amino acids, and a dog’s body cannot manufacture around 10 of them, called essential amino acids. So, the dog’s diet and food intake will fulfill the need for those essential amino acids.

Protein functions by providing energy to the body. It also helps to heel muscle cramps by building strong bones and muscles. The essential amino acids repair the body tissues of dogs quickly. They are suitable for healthy skin and hair.

Dogs might be skipping meals because they lack any essential amino acid. Dogs love to have food that’s high in protein. High protein concentrations are found in poultry, beef, fish, cheese, eggs, lamb, supplements, and soybean.


Carbohydrates are pure energy sources and provide immediate, as well as sustainable, fuel to dogs. Carbohydrates in the form of fibers keep your dog satiated for a long time and prevent him from over-eating.

Ingesting more carbohydrates than needed is the main source of several health problems, so be careful with quantities. Indeed, a high concentration of carbohydrates in the food of less-active dogs can cause obesity. Excess carbohydrates are eventually stored as fat cells in the body. On the contrary, a low concentration of carbohydrates in the dog food of active dogs can cause inactivity and anxiety.

Carbohydrates are commonly found in rice, oats, corn, barley, and wheat.

Fats & Fatty Acids

Fats or essential fatty acids are a long-term energy dose for dogs. They are mainly used to maintain the dog’s body mechanics, including the hormonal system, coat, vital organs, cognitive functions, etc. Fats play a vital role in maintaining cell structure and normal cell functions. Healthy skin and coats are a blessing of fatty foods. Fats also assist in the absorption of specific vitamins by the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for better vision and memory.

However, excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to obesity, heart problems, and arthritis. A lack of fats might make the food tasteless and less fun to eat. Moreover, dogs can also develop dry skin and hair problems. Fats and fatty acids are commonly found in meats, fatty fish oil, milk, offals, and vegetable oils.


Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind, the average growth of young puppies, and enzyme assistance. Mineral deficiency will lead to some health complications in dogs. The quantity of minerals in a daily diet has a significant impact. For example, less calcium intake can cause hyperparathyroidism. Excessive intake of calcium can cause skeletal problems in young growing pups.

The key with minerals, and because there are so many, are the various ingredients, so you will eventually cover your dog’s needs. Change vegetables, meats, and meat parts, and don’t be afraid to try new things (offals, fish, etc.)!

Essential mineral nutrients for a balanced diet are:

  • Calcium is required in large quantities for hyperactive dogs. It is essential for bone and teeth health. It plays a vital role in muscular contractions and nerve-impulse transmission.
  • Magnesium is important for hormonal functions, enzyme functions, maintaining bone structure, and stabilizing the cell- membranes of nerve and muscle cells.
  • Phosphorus is another essential mineral for metabolic functions, forming DNA and RNA structures, maintaining acid-base balance, and skeletal structures (the bones).
  • Potassium is essential for nerve impulse transmission, acid-base balance, enzyme reactions, and digestion and transport functions.
  • Sodium is also required in good quantity to maintain acid-base balance, generate nerve impulses, and regulate osmotic pressure in transport functions.
  • Iron is required in less quantity to help synthesize primary components of blood (i.e., red and white blood cells). It helps to perform metabolic reactions to fulfill the body’s energy needs.
  • Chorine is good for maintaining an acid-base balance and helping transfer extracellular fluids across cell membranes.
  • Zinc is essential for replicating cells, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism into glucose and amino acids, enzyme functions, and healing of wounds.
  • Copper is an essential nutrient for melanin formation, tissue formation, defense against oxidation reactions, and iron metabolism.
  • Iodine is an essential nutrient for the growth of puppies, an efficient metabolic rate, and the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • Manganese is an essential nutrient for bone strength and development, the nervous system, and enzyme functions.
  • Selenium is required in a minimum amount to assist in immune responses and protect against oxidation.


Vitamins play a significant role in maintaining and supporting body functions and health. Healthy skin, hair, and immune system result from proper intake of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency results in different bone, skin, hair, or immune system problems. Their deficiency needs to be covered with multivitamin supplements other than dog food and will generally be diagnosed and treated by a professional veterinarian.

The most common vitamins that are essential for a balanced diet in dogs are:

  • Vitamin B6 helps in immune responses, regulation of hormones, glucose generation, proper functioning of red blood cells, smooth nervous system functioning, and gene activation.
  • Vitamin B1 plays a vital role in metabolic activities to fulfill energy needs and ion activation in nervous tissues.
  • Vitamin K activates clotting agents, bone proteins, and other proteins.
  • Vitamin B12 contains cobalt, essential for myelin synthesis, the growth of young puppies, and cell reproduction.
  • Vitamin A helps to maintain the health of skin and hair. It also helps in healthy growth and supports the health of the liver, kidneys, and lungs.
  • Vitamin E helps heal wounds, strengthen the immune system, and maintain the circulatory system and muscles of dogs.

If your dog has special requirements or is more senior, try adapting to these new factors.

Different Diets For Dogs

As pet food quality came under serious question in the famous 2007 pet food recall, many breeders and owners decided to go on their own. Most owners don’t realize the poor quality of the average dog food, even the ones advertised as healthy and high in proteins or low in fat. We even have ketogenic dog diets now for our pets.

Quality ingredients have a high cost and directly impact the manufacturers’ margins. They use cheap meat by-products to boost the official protein quantities and a lot of carbs and fillers to lower costs. Bulk buying is the best way for dog breeders to save money on feeding their dogs.

Dog Foods for Pregnant Dogs

Finding the best dog food for pregnant dogs is crucial for every dog breeder seeking to raise a healthy furry family ethically. A pregnant female dog, as well as a nursing one, has greater energy requirements to sustain its own growth and every single whelp’s healthy growth. It’s demanding, and the mother’s diet must be the best it has ever been without shocking her body too much. You generally want to gradually transition your pregnant dog’s diet before or early on during the pregnancy.

Affordable Puppy Foods

Puppy food comprises all types of food and nutritional supplements essential for the newborn pup’s growth. The puppies’ bones, muscles, joints, and overall immune system need additional nutrition to grow into healthy adult dogs.

Nursing a puppy is usually a genuinely enriching experience that starts with feeding them the best food you can afford. There is no need to break the bank; plenty of affordable or cheap puppy foods are available. Ensure their protein content is high to sustain the pup’s development – the target is at least 22% of protein!

Healthy Dog Food Brands

Dog food brands are plentiful, but rare is the authentically healthy dog food brand that delivers on its high and mighty claims. The Association of American Feed Control Officials has very low standards regarding dog food labeling.

To help you decide the best healthy dog food brand, we have reviewed and compiled a list of brands we trust. To be fair, all brands exaggerate their claims and try to pretend that their kibble is better than the next one. This is fair play, but we hate when this little game goes too far.

Bestselling Dog Foods

It is not because many are buying specific dog food that it is synonymous with quality. The brand may execute a great marketing campaign. Or, the dog food may be sold at an enticingly low price. However, what is excellent when a dog food brand is on a bestselling list is that you know thousands of dog owners serve it daily, and everything has been ok so far.

Dog foods come in different shapes and forms:

It is hard to figure out which dog food brands to trust and which to stay away from. This article reviews the bestselling dog foods in the United States.

Homemade Dog Food

Preparing your dog’s meals yourself is cost-effective, healthier, and creates an additional bond with your dog! By knowing exactly what you are feeding your dog, you have better control over the quantity and quality of your dog’s food. You can change the recipe regularly or offer the same thing daily; it is up to you!

Because dogs are not fussy eaters, you don’t have to be a great Chef to make this happen! You’re pretty much done with some meat, veggies, and carbs.

We always recommend buying the best quality you can afford, but you can save money by buying offals, for example. Offals are nutritious and cheap; your butcher will love you! Try some yummy doggy recipes and give your dogs the treats and meals they deserve!

Low Fat Dog Foods

One gram of fat delivers 9 calories, while one gram of protein or carbohydrates delivers 4 calories; it makes sense to cut the fat intake when controlling a dog’s weight. Low-fat dog foods are prevalent nowadays since most veterinarians recommend them whenever a dog is slightly overweight.

Fatty acids and dietary fat have been demonized over the last decades, and it is only now that science is backpedaling — carbohydrates are perhaps a bigger issue than fats are, but mathematically, cutting fat will trim the double amount of calories you lower your carbs instead. So yes, mathematically, it does make sense to drop carbs and put your dog on low-fat dog food, but health-wise, it may be wiser to use grain-free dog foods.

Ketogenic Dog Diet

The keto diet for dogs has a straightforward distribution of macronutrients: 70% fat, 20% proteins, and 10% carbohydrates. The idea behind this diet is to partially mimic what dogs eat in the wild – emphasizing the fatty acids. Indeed, most wolves eat minimal carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, grains), so limiting these in a bespoke diet makes total sense.

However, very active dogs can also benefit from carbs. Indeed, dogs use carbs as fuel to increase their energy levels during training (e.g., weight pulling, sledding, etc.).

Grain-Free Dog Foods

For too long, pet food brands have used cheap carbohydrates and grains as cost-effective fillers; they betrayed us, the consumers. Over the last few years, grain-free dog foods have overtaken the dog world.

Quite simply, grain-free dog foods remove any grain-based ingredient from their recipe. A grain-free diet for dogs aims to move more in line with what dogs would have eaten before humans stepped in and began to mass-produce the type of dog food we are now so used to seeing stacked on our shelves. By removing grain, compared to typical dog food, a grain-free diet will attempt to insert more meat protein and digestible animal fats into your dog’s diet.

Grain-free does not mean carbohydrate-free: these carbohydrates usually come from starchy vegetables and roots like sweet potatoes. It’s a much healthier alternative, but such kibble is still very much processed. Do you still need some convincing? Read our list of the top benefits of grain-free dog foods.

Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding

Kibble and canned wet dog food appeal to most dog breeders, and the reasons are simple to fathom. They are easy, clean, and do what everybody else does, so why should you adopt a different diet for your dog?

BARF, or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, imitates the diet of a wild dog, a wolf, and other carnivores. For example, a wolf gets all the vital nutrients like protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and fiber by eating a whole animal. As well as prey, wolves eat fruit, herbs, berries, grasses, roots, insects, and herbivores’ insides.

Make a change, and your dog’s health will prove you made the right decision.

Prey Diet

The prey diet for dogs mimics the wolf’s ancestral food regimen. The wolf was hunting and eating different meats, organs, and bones. For our dogs, variety is vital.

Feed the different staples you can find, usually chicken, pork, duck, beef, turkey, and fish. Obviously, you may prefer to feed elk, deer, rabbit, quail, bison, or local meats you easily and cheaply have access to.

The main priority is to prepare beforehand for your dog’s needs regarding nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Then, be knowledgeable about the meats you use to provide the right mix of muscle meat, organs, and bones for your dog to live a happier and healthier life.

A great website on the topic is

Best Diet For Pitbulls

If you own a bully dog, you must know that they have different requirements than any other dog breeds out there. The best dog food for pit bulls will provide enough proteins to grow the dog’s muscular frame and enough fatty acids to enhance brain functions and overall health.

Carbohydrates, on the other hand, should be given to dogs and pitbulls with a lot more restraint since they aren’t providing anything more than what fats and proteins don’t already offer. Carbs are very cheap to mass-produce. This is why their use in manufactured dog foods has exploded over the last decades. Yet, they aren’t promoting any health benefit – it is quite the opposite, actually!

We recommend 50% of proteins come from red meat, poultry, and offals; 30% of healthy fats come from fatty fish, eggs, olive, and fish oils; and 20% of complex carbohydrates come from unprocessed vegetables.

Best Dog Food For Labradors

If you own or breed Labradors, read our list of the best dog foods for labradors. They have been carefully selected to answer as fully as possible to the nutritional needs of the Labrador breed. Labradors are active and alert dogs and are fed whatever is available. And this is where things go wrong.

The Labrador breed has seen its lifespan decrease sharply over the last decades. The leading cause of such decline is the diet fed to labradors. Generally, such active dogs need more proteins to maintain and grow muscle mass and healthy fats (Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the correct ratio) to ensure the dog’s hormonal system and brain functions are correctly working.

Avoid carb-filled dog foods that use cheap ingredients to make the food calorie-dense but nutrient-poor.

Vegan Dog Food

Nowadays, the vegan diet is very common for us humans. It was a matter of time before vegan dog owners started to design vegan diets for dogs so the whole family could transition to an animal-free feeding habit.

The quest for the best dog vegan foods has started with the poor quality of the various meats and meat by-products used in commercial dog foods. It’s just a logical conclusion — if the meat used in most dog foods today is not nutritious, then let’s scrap it altogether and start feeding our dogs and puppies a vegan diet.

Holistic Dog Food

In the 1980s, consumers were becoming more educated about their own nutrition, so they started reading dog food labels, too. A few pet food manufacturers started removing chemicals from their products, creating the holistic trend we know today. It has come a long way since then.

Brands began using meat sources that were sustainable and human-grade, with no off-cuts or by-products. Holistic generally means treating something from the inside out.

Dog Health Supplements

Depending on the diet you chose and got your dog accustomed to, he or she may lack some specific nutrients, trace elements, minerals, and vitamins. In some cases, the consequences on your dog’s health are negligible; in others, the dogs will lean towards an unhealthy future. A little box with the right dog health supplements will help cover most shortcomings and significantly improve your dog’s health.

Some supplements are filled with a precise purpose. For example, the bully world is fond of weight gainers and protein supplements to boost the dog’s muscle mass. Other dog supplements are great to soothe some existing complications, such as MSM and Glucosamine for dogs to relieve joint pains and arthritis.

Warning point, though: supplements can’t be used to replace a dog’s healthy balanced diet. Whether you prefer kibble or raw or homemade, you must use your best judgment to offer your dog(s) the best quality you can afford. Then, you can complement it using these dog supplements.

Fish Oils for Dogs

Fish oils for dogs are a cost-effective way to enhance your dog’s intake of healthy fatty acids, including polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Fish oils offer different ratios of omega-3, omega-6, and other much-needed micronutrients that your dog’s body and hormone system would benefit from. You can opt for cod, salmon, wild fish, or even blends of several fish oils within the same bottle to attain the right balance.

Digestive Aids for Dogs

Digestive aids for dogs assist you in bettering your pet’s gut microbiota and general digestive tract and intestinal health. Supplements include probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and vitamins. Most of the pet supplement industry is constrained by very low regulation standards from the FDA. While the average digestive aid will not hurt your dog, very few would benefit your dog’s gut health.

Digestive Enzymes for Dogs

Digestive enzymes for dogs are particular proteins that break down macronutrients from the ingested food. In a healthy dog, digestive enzymes are continually produced by the dog’s pancreas. They then quickly decompose carbohydrates, fibers, fats, and proteins to fasten the digestion of the macronutrients.

Not to be confused with probiotics, though, as these two are entirely different in many ways. A dog’s body produces digestive enzymes, whereas probiotics are not. Enzymes are required by a dog’s body to break down the food ingested, while probiotics are just a bonus.

Fibers for Dogs

Dietary fibers for dogs are recommended for healthy gut flora, solid stools, and an overall well-kept digestive system. Our guide answers all common questions about crude fibers, soluble and insoluble fibers for dogs, and prebiotics. We have also reviewed the top fiber-rich dog foods and the best fiber supplements for dogs.

Prebiotics for Dogs

Prebiotics for dogs are fibers found in some fruits and vegetables that help maintain healthy gut flora. Prebiotics work best when taken with canine probiotics and digestive enzymes. Dog owners and dog breeders are constantly trying to find ways to enhance their dog’s health, whether it is improving the pet’s digestive system, coat, or overall immune defense. Trends seem to follow those of human discoveries, so it was only predictable that dogs, just like humans, would benefit from prebiotic (and probiotic) supplements.

Life Stages of Dogs: Nutritional Requirements 

Dogs require different nutritional requirements depending on their age. Puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs need different amounts of food. They also need different levels of carbohydrates, fats, and protein in their diets. Look at the comparison below for dogs’ nutritional requirements.


Growing puppies need proteins, calories, fats, and higher levels of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help ensure they are growing correctly and at a normal rate. These nutrients help their tissue and organs to grow and develop.

Moreover, proper nutrition prevents the early onset of diseases in dogs. Giving the right amount of protein, fats, and calories can help prevent obesity, orthopedic issues, and other health issues in dogs. 

Adult Dogs

Adult dogs also need specific amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates to ensure their health and further development. Ensuring your dog gets the proper nutrition will also prevent them from getting several diseases. 

Their diet should be highly digestible to promote a healthy digestive system. These nutrients will also strengthen their immune system, preventing some viruses and bacteria from causing illnesses in your dogs.

You should also consider your dog’s activity level and size when feeding it. Some dogs are more active than others and need more protein to maintain their body mass.   

Senior Dogs

Senior dogs become less active and more vulnerable to some illnesses. Therefore, their diet should be able to sustain them. Senior dogs usually need lower-calorie food and higher levels of protein and fiber. However, if your senior dog has chronic illnesses, it may need more calories to keep its weight at a healthy level.

Dry Dog Food vs. Wet Dog Food

It has been a long debate about whether wet or dry food is the best for dogs. However, there is no single answer to which of them is a better choice. Both dry and wet dog food has their advantages and disadvantages. 

Dry dog food or kibble is suitable for dogs of all stages. Most brands nowadays offer limited ingredients, allergen-free, and even breed-specific dog foods that promise to support dogs’ health and development. Dry dog food is also great for dogs with loose stools and very picky when it comes to food.

On the other hand, wet dog food is essential for dogs with very dry stools. This type of dog food allows additional fluid intake for your dogs. Additionally, some picky eaters may prefer the more flavorful wet food compared to dry food. However, wet dog food can be more expensive and difficult to store than dry food.

Importance of Water in Dog Nutrition

Some dogs may love to drink more water than others. If your dog belongs to those who hate water, then it may be at risk of dehydration. Water is essential in dog nutrition as it helps deliver certain nutrients throughout the body. 

Water also allows the cells in your dog’s body to absorb the nutrients it gets from food. Also, water keeps their stool at the right consistency. It also helps them regulate their body temperature, especially during hot seasons.

Feeding Practices

Depending on the size and age of your dog, their feeding routine may differ. Establishing a feeding routine can help your dog regulate physically, mentally, and emotionally. If they are used to their feeding schedule, you don’t have to worry about giving them food every time they ask for it. 

Generally, if you have a puppy, they can be fed for up to 3 or 4 small meals per day. An adult dog can have 2 meals per day, and senior dogs can have 2 to 3 smaller meals daily, depending on their condition.

Avoid giving human food or table scrap to dogs as it can encourage them to beg for food when you are eating. 

How to Choose the Best Food for Dogs

There is no single best food for dogs. The best way to choose the best dog food for them is to consider their preferences, activity level, medical conditions, and allergies, if there are any. This way, you can be sure that you are not just giving any food to your dog. 

You may also consider talking to their vet to ensure they receive the proper nutrition appropriate for their age and breed. 

Impact of Nutrition On Medical Health Issues

Dog Diabetes

Once your dog becomes an adult, it may show signs of dog diabetes; we wrote a comprehensive article on how to tackle dog diabetes using a controlled diet, but there are the symptoms:

  • Urinating noticeably more than usual
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Drinking extreme amounts of water
  • Signs of lethargy and fatigue
  • Cataract formation
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis

And canine diabetes is getting worse.

Since 2011, cases of diabetes in dogs have increased by over 30 percent, and feline diabetes also surged by 16 percent. The fact that diabetes increases across both domesticated pets tells us that humans are probably a significant cause. A second cause may be the quality of pet foods in supermarkets and online.

The most common type of diabetes in dogs is diabetes Mellitus, also called sugar diabetes. It’s good to know that there is no cure today for diabetes, but with a lot of control, it is possible to live a long life with it.

Dog Heart Health

The heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout a dog’s body, providing oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Poor nutrition and diet can significantly impact a dog’s heart health, leading to various cardiovascular diseases such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, and heart murmurs. Dogs that are fed high-fat diets, low-quality proteins, and excess salt are at higher risk of developing these conditions. These diets can lead to obesity, which puts additional strain on the heart, making it harder to pump blood.

To improve a dog’s heart health, owners should feed them a balanced diet that is low in fat and sodium and high in essential nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation, significantly contribute to cardiovascular disease, and can be found in fish and flaxseed oil. Additionally, owners should ensure their dogs maintain a healthy weight by monitoring their calorie intake and providing them with regular exercise.

Dog Digestive Issues

Digestive issues in dogs can range from minor conditions such as constipation and diarrhea to more severe conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis. Poor diet is often a contributing factor to these conditions, with high-fat and low-quality diets being linked to digestive issues. Dogs need a balanced diet that is rich in high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and fiber.

To improve a dog’s digestive health, owners should ensure they receive high-quality proteins such as chicken, lamb, or fish. These proteins are more easily digestible, allowing the body to absorb and use the nutrients more efficiently. Additionally, owners should provide their dogs with plenty of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and helps regulate bowel movements. Foods such as pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and green beans are high in fiber and can be included in a dog’s diet.

Oral Issues in Dogs

Oral health is essential to a dog’s overall health and well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to various conditions, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. The diet significantly contributes to oral health, with high-sugar and low-quality diets increasing the risk of oral issues.

To improve a dog’s oral health, owners should ensure their dogs are fed a balanced diet that is low in sugar and high in essential nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for strong teeth and bones; lacking these nutrients can lead to dental issues. Additionally, owners should provide their dogs with regular dental care, such as brushing their teeth and providing them with dental chews or toys to help keep their teeth clean.

Weight Problems in Dogs

Obesity is a growing problem in dogs, with poor diet and lack of exercise being significant contributors. Obesity can lead to various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. A dog’s diet should be balanced, providing them with the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight.

To help a dog maintain a healthy weight, owners should ensure they receive the right amount of calories for its age, size, and activity level. Additionally, owners should provide their dogs with regular exercise, such as daily walks, to help burn off excess calories. Providing high-quality proteins and fiber-rich foods can also help a dog feel fuller for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Dog Skin & Fur Problems

Skin and fur problems in dogs can range from dry, itchy skin to more severe conditions such as allergies and infections. Diet is a significant factor in skin and fur health, with poor-quality diets leading to skin and coat issues.

To improve a dog’s skin and fur health, owners should ensure they receive high-quality proteins such as chicken, lamb, or fish. Additionally, dogs should be provided with essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which can be found in fish, flaxseed oil, and other sources. These fatty acids help maintain healthy skin and fur, reducing dryness and itchiness. Owners should also avoid foods that may trigger allergies in their dogs, such as grains and specific proteins. Switching to a limited ingredient or hypoallergenic diet may benefit dogs with allergies.

Dog Liver Problems

The liver is a vital organ that is crucial in detoxifying the body and metabolizing nutrients. A poor diet can lead to liver disease in dogs, such as hepatic lipidosis, which is caused by excess fat accumulation in the liver. A high-fat diet can also lead to liver inflammation and other liver-related conditions.

To improve a dog’s liver health, owners should provide their dogs with a balanced diet that is low in fat and high in essential nutrients. Foods such as lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits can help support liver function and reduce inflammation. Additionally, owners should limit their dog’s exposure to toxins and other harmful substances, such as pesticides and certain medications.

Bone & Joint Issues in Dogs

Bone and joint issues in dogs are typical, particularly in older dogs. Poor diet and excess weight can lead to conditions such as osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia. Dogs need a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin D, which are essential for strong bones.

To improve a dog’s bone and joint health, owners should provide their dogs with a balanced diet that is rich in high-quality proteins and essential nutrients. Foods such as lean meats, eggs, and dairy products are excellent sources of calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, owners should ensure their dogs maintain a healthy weight, as excess weight can place additional strain on the joints.

Urinary Issues in Dogs

Urinary issues in dogs can range from minor infections to more severe conditions such as bladder stones and kidney disease. A poor diet can contribute to urinary issues, with excess salt and low-quality diets linked to urinary tract infections and other related conditions.

To improve a dog’s urinary health, owners should ensure they receive a balanced diet that is low in salt and high in essential nutrients such as antioxidants and Vitamin C. These nutrients help promote urinary health and reduce the risk of infections. Additionally, owners should provide their dogs with plenty of fresh water to help flush out toxins and maintain healthy urinary function.