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My Puppy Has Too Much Energy

A pet lover passionate about educating readers about animal health and care. Love reading studies and recent research.
Published on
Wednesday 28 September 2022
Last updated on
Tuesday 9 May 2023
My Puppy Has Too Much Energy
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Puppies are full of energy and can easily get you huffing and puffing while chasing them around the whole day. As a pet parent, you might have wondered: is it normal if my puppy has too much energy, or should I get it checked out?

This article will establish baseline energy levels for pups and what you can do to calm them down.

Why Do Puppies Have So Much Energy?

First, let’s understand what people mean when they say their puppy has too much energy. Typically it is a state where your pup is indisciplined, does not understand how to behave, or does not listen to you. If your puppy is between the age of six to eighteen months, your first complaint to the vet would be that my puppy is never tired; it’s always on the move. 

Veterinary scientist Dr. Ian Dunbar studied the behavior of puppies. He believes that adolescence is when puppies are at their peak energy levels.

One possible reason puppies have so much energy is that they are becoming more independent and exploratory at this age. At this time, you need to give them a structured set of exercises and training to curb their behavior to align with what you want it to be.

At this age, if the dog starts jumping in your lap or making googly eyes, it’s no longer cute but rather annoying. You need to start rewarding the right behavior that you would expect from an adult dog at this stage so that your puppy disciplines and channels its energy correctly. 

Energy Level of Puppies by Age

Here is an outline of a puppy’s age and energy levels as they progress. Remember, these are just baselines. It is normal if your puppy is slightly more or less energetic than this. Only if the difference is too big should you be worried.

Birth to 10 Weeks

When you raise a pup from birth, you will see that they start moving around from a very young age. This is when they learn how to walk, run, chase, bite, do zoomies, and jump around. You should keep their movements in a confined space for now. 

10 to 16 Weeks

Puppies start moving around in a larger space once they start growing. They become like toddlers who are learning new things and want to explore the world around them. This is the perfect age for socialization.

Puppies will tend to forget the rules once in a while at this stage, and it is quite normal. Part of the problem might be teething. They might be biting and chewing more due to it.

4 to 6 Months

A puppy’s energy levels in this stage are still quite high, and it is learning to understand being part of a family or a group. At this age, puppies will start showing a bit of fear, which you need to discourage. Build their confidence and keep training them to respond to new situations. 

6 to 12 Months

By this age, puppies move into adolescence. They start growing into dogs, and they gain more control of themselves. This is also the age when they are most energetic. You may notice that they cannot sit still or try to jump on you or the furniture. 

This is the right time for you to start a walking regime and give them a structured form of exercise to channel that energy into appropriate behavior. 

1 to 2 Years

At this age, your puppy has finally grown into an adult dog. Their energy levels are much more balanced now, and they are willing to obey you. These dogs have shed their high puppy energy levels, and hopefully, they understand how to behave. 

How to Calm A Puppy That Never Gets Tired?

There is no single answer to the question: why does my dog have so much energy? It could be a factor in age, lack of training, behavioral problems, or even physical problems like teething. But as a pet parent, you need to know how to calm your pup. This is important for its safety and yours too. Here are some suggestions to calm your dog.

Leash Training

If your puppy has too much energy, leash training will let you set boundaries for it at a young age. Your pup will learn to become comfortable with the leash and understand what it means when you tug at it.

Do not be alarmed if your pup does not want to go along with the leash initially. It just means that you are on the right track. Behavior change needs a bit of effort, and that effort is in making your pup comfortable with the leash.

Crate Training

Crate training helps provide a safe space for the pup. You don’t want an anxious pup running around hurting itself and others. Moreover, your pup should have a place where it is comfortable and can get some rest and space when it needs it.

Train your pup to make the crate its happy spot. Only let your pup remain in the crate for up to 1 hour of every month in its age (so a one month pup should not stay beyond 1 hour since it will have to pee and poop)

Physical and Mental Exercise

Exercise is very important to help your dog calm down. A good balance of physical and mental exercises will keep your dog’s excess energy channelized correctly. Create a routine for your pup that allows them to get out of the house and play. It should be able to move around in an open space. Spend time with them and interact in a way that will help you earn their trust. 

Dogs who do not get enough exercise can become anxious and stressed, leading to more complex problems later on. 

Walking and Running

A daily walk or run will do wonders for your energetic puppy’s mental and physical health and help calm them down. Walking and running are the best forms of exercise for dogs.

Obedience Training

If your puppy is constantly excited, obedience training can help them to learn to calm down. Obedience training requires your dog to pay attention to you and follow your commands, so the puppy’s “too much energy” problem reduces.

Obedience training classes are typically available for pups older than six months, though you can start earlier at home. You can teach basic commands like “sit” and “stay” using positive reinforcement such as treats or toys.

Puppy-Proof Environment

A puppy-proof environment can help to calm your dog (and you) by keeping it safe from harm. A few simple precautions can ensure that your pup is out of harm’s reach in your home.

Keep all dangerous items out of reach, including chemicals, cleaning supplies, and medications. Create a comfortable space for your puppy to sleep and relax, away from loud noises and commotion – these are things that can work as triggers.


It is important to allow your pup to socialize as much as possible early. Socializing makes your dog more comfortable in its skin, with the humans and other dogs around it, and also gives it a sense of what is right and wrong. 

Socialization helps calm your dog’s natural instinct for learning new things. It gives them a window to the world and teaches them to react without aggression or fear.

Puppies can have so much energy due to their age, behavioral problems, lack of training, or simply something physical, like teething. What’s important is to understand how to calm them through leash and crate training, regular exercise, and socialization. Remember that low energy levels are also bad.

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