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How Long Do Bengal Cats Live

↯ Key takeaway points

  • Bengal cats have an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years, with some indoor cats living up to 18 to 20 years.
  • Indoor Bengal cats generally live longer than outdoor cats, with indoor cats having a better chance of living over 20 years.
  • Bengal cats have a few common health issues such as dental problems, ear infections, eye problems, lymphoma, kidney problems, and digestive problems.
  • To increase the life expectancy of Bengal cats, owners should check their genetic history, do genetic screening tests, visit the vet regularly, provide regular exercise and play, keep vaccines updated, spay/neuter, feed high-quality food, keep them hydrated, keep the house and yard pollutant-free.
  • The oldest recorded Bengal cat lived to be 34 years old, but the average lifespan is 12-20 years.
A pet lover passionate about educating readers about animal health and care. Love reading studies and recent research.
Zoo and wildlife doctor in veterinary medicine passionate about animal welfare and preventive medicine.
Published on
Tuesday 27 February 2024
Last updated on
Monday 30 October 2023
How Long Do Bengal Cats Live
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Bengal cats are rather unique-looking domestic companion animals. They have distinctly spotted fur and a dynamic personality that makes them lovable and appealing to many cat owners and lovers!

Being a cat parent to an energetic and adorable Bengal kitty means having a friend and companion for life — but not forever, unfortunately.

Now, how long do Bengal cats live? While enjoying their friendly and playful nature won’t last forever, a proper diet, healthcare, and grooming might help boost their longevity.  

How Long Do Bengals Live?

It is without a doubt that Bengal cats are among the most attractive cat breeds to exist. Due to their striking appearance and playful personality, Bengal cats are also one of the most sought-after breeds.

The life expectancy of a Bengal cat lasts around 12 to 16 years. Some Bengals, mostly indoor ones, can reach 18 to 20 years. They generally live longer than most animal species, though it can depend on several factors. 

These felines can live much longer than the Bengal cat’s average lifespan if given the proper care they need. You will need to feed them adequate nutrition, ensure that they get enough physical exercise, and bring them to the vet at least once a year. Doing all this and more will ensure they are healthy and can help them live longer. 

Indoor Bengal cats can live longer compared to those that generally live outdoors. An indoor Bengal can live a long, healthy life if given enough room to exercise and play. They also have a better chance to live up to over 20 years.

Meanwhile, an outdoor Bengal can have a shorter life than indoor cats, mostly about 10-15 years, if they are in good health. They are exposed to more environmental risks that can harm or kill them, which raises the percentage of outdoor Bengals dying younger than indoor ones. 

Bengal Cat’s History 

One of the critical factors that affect a Bengal cat’s lifespan is the cat’s history. Primarily, Bengal cats are relatively modern hybrid cats that are a cross between domestic felines and the Asian Leopard cat, a small and strikingly marked wild cat that originated from South West Asia. 

While this breed crossing started more than 120 years ago, the Bengal species was only established in the 1970s. The main goal was to produce a cat breed that stayed true to the Asian Leopard’s exotic appearance while having the personality of a sweet domestic house cat. It was also to dissuade people from wanting to keep and own wild cats as pets. 

Today, the Bengal cat is bred from other Bengals and is several generations removed from their wild and exotic ancestors. They are currently one of the most expensive breeds in the world — with one easily costing around $2,000.

Bengals are known for their jungle cat appearance and iconic spots and markings. Their long hind legs and muscular bodies allow them to take powerful strides. Meanwhile, their round-tipped ears and sleek coats are a direct reflection and homage to their wild ancestors. 

These cats are generally healthy breeds, so you don’t have to worry much about how long Bengals live. Although, they do have a few notable health and welfare issues.

study about the behavior and health issue of Bengal cats shows that specific health problems are associated with the Bengal breed. Progressive Retinal Atrophy and Flat-chested kitten syndrome have been identified in the breed, as has Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency. 

Bengal cats also may be predisposed to hip dysplasia. They also have a higher chance of developing a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 

Common Health Issues in Bengal Cats

If you’re a cat owner wondering about Bengal life expectancy, one of the things that you need to be aware of is the common health issues that could majorly affect it. While the Bengal is a generally healthy cat breed, that doesn’t mean they won’t ever get sick or hurt.

The most typical disease or health issues that a Bengal cat can encounter are:

Dental Problems

Dental problems and issues can make a massive difference in the health and life expectancy of Bengal cats. Like other cat breeds, Bengals also don’t have the means to care for their teeth.

Without the active help of their owner, a Bengal cat can develop mild to severe dental diseases that can affect their overall health. In extreme cases, the cat may lose their teeth or build organ damage.

Ear Infection

This is one of the most common and typical Bengal kitty ailments. Although, it can usually be treated quickly, especially if caught early.

Usually, drops would be enough to fight off the infection. If that won’t suffice, you better rush them to the vet to avoid significant complications.

Eye Problems

Eye problems are also common in Bengals, namely Cataracts and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). If they are left untreated, these disorders can cause vision loss or blindness.

If you notice any signs that your Bengal has eye problems, you better schedule an appointment with its vet. It’s so they can perform the necessary tests.


Lymphoma, a disease that attacks the lymphatic system, is considered the most common cancer in Bengals. While it can be seen in various parts of the cat’s body, it is mainly found in the intestines, causing weight loss, vomiting, changes in appetite, and diarrhea.

Without a biopsy or ultrasound, lymphoma can be misdiagnosed as inflammatory bowel disease.

Kidney Problems

Another common issue that can affect and shorten a Bengal cat’s lifespan is kidney problems. Kidney disease, in particular, can be a common development for Bengals, so it is necessary to look for signs and symptoms.

Some Bengals are born with abnormal kidneys and would develop renal failure later on; however, chronic dehydration and a poor diet can usually trigger kidney disease.

Digestive Problems

Like weight loss, stomach problems can also mean several issues — from nibbling on a dangerous plant to a severe disease like pancreatitis. You should not easily brush off an upset stomach, especially if diarrhea and vomiting also occur, since it can mean gastrointestinal disorders.

How to Increase Your Bengal’s Life Expectancy

Getting this far into the article, you’d know by now how old Bengal cats live. The average lifespan is about 12-20 years, depending on their overall health and other factors out of their control.

However, there are a few things within your control that can help you see your Bengal cat live well into their 20s. 

Check Genetic History

The first stop is checking the genetics and family history of your Bengal. Genetic makeup can play a vital role in the life expectancy of a cat due to either susceptibility to disorder or environmental conditions.

While cats can somewhat tolerate inbreeding more than many other animal species, a purebred cat, or a feline with less genetic mixing, tends to have a lower life expectancy.

Do Screening Tests

A Bengal cat needs genetic screening tests for defects that could cause life-threatening health issues and problems later in life. The screening is mostly for Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PK def), which could result in a host of symptoms like anemia and PRA, a degenerative eye condition.

Visit the Vet Regularly

Taking your Bengal to get their regular check-up and wellness check every year is another way to increase their lifespan, especially for an old Bengal cat. It means they can get the proper healthcare they need to remain healthy. The vet can conduct an annual wellness exam, dental cleanings, and routine blood work.

Regular Exercise and Play

A Bengal also needs plenty of enrichment and exercise to maintain its health. It means taking time every day to walk and play with your cat. Active creatures like Bengals will need enough space and room to play, run, climb, and jump to burn off their energy and lose weight.

Keep Their Vaccine Updated

Vaccination is a proven way and method to prevent any viral disease from catching your cat. Therefore, a vaccinated Bengal cat is less likely to contract a virus and prematurely die.


While the idea of your Bengal going under the knife might not sit well with you as their fur parent, it can increase their life expectancy. Generally, neutered or spayed Bengals live longer as they are at less risk of developing certain cancer types or catching sexually transmitted diseases.

Feed High-Quality Food

Proper nutrition also contributes to a longer life expectancy in Bengals, which can be achieved through high-quality food and a protein-rich diet. You can either try feeding them standard cat food or a healthy homemade diet.

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Keeping your Bengal hydrated is a significant factor in their current and future health. Dehydration is a serious health issue that can sprout other severe medical conditions. If your cat is often dehydrated, they are at more risk of kidney failure.

Keep Your House and Yard Pollutant-Free

Cancer is currently one of the primary causes of death in Bengals. A poor diet and a toxic environment can mainly cause the illness. To ensure that your Bengal lives longer, you must free your house from environmental toxins and pollutants that can harm your pet.

How Long Do Bengal Cats Live: FAQs

It’s equally important to keep yourself updated about other cat owners’ concerns. With that in mind, here are some of the common questions about Bengal cats you should know about.

Can a Bengal cat live for 20 years?

The average lifespan of a Bengal cat lasts around 12-20 years. While most of them can live up to 10 years, and many can reach up to 15 years, it can be rare for them to live past the age of 20.

How old is the oldest Bengal cat?

It is claimed that the oldest recorded Bengal cat lived to the age of 34 years, though it is yet to be proven. While that is the case, some Bengals live well past their 20s as long as they are properly cared for.

Are Bengal cats good house pets?

Generally, Bengals can make wonderful and lovable house pets. They are beautiful and have a fun, playful, and inquisitive nature that makes them a true joy in the household. Remember, though, that they do require a lot of stimulation and attention.

How long does a Bengal cat live? If a Bengal is well cared for, it can reach 20 and possibly beyond! It all comes down to giving them appropriate food, ensuring they receive enough exercise, keeping them safe, and taking them to the vet once a year.

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