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Do Dogs Get Embarrassed

A pet lover passionate about educating readers about animal health and care. Love reading studies and recent research.
Published on
Saturday 24 September 2022
Last updated on
Tuesday 9 May 2023
Do Dogs Get Embarrassed
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Do you remember the last time you wore mismatched socks in public and just wished you could hide under a rock somewhere? Humans are familiar with this emotion of embarrassment. But can dogs feel embarrassed too?

Dogs have a wide range of emotional responses to different circumstances. In this article, let us find out can dogs feel embarrassed, just like their human parents.

Do Dogs Feel Embarrassment?

Studies conducted on dogs’ behavior prove that they can feel complex emotions such as embarrassment and shame

But while the research is all good, you might ask us: What are the signs that will indicate an embarrassed dog? Well, their expression of these emotions makes them social animals, just like human beings, and in those expressions, you will get the answer.

Dogs of all breeds and sizes are known to express emotions in some form or the other. The best way to perceive a dog’s emotional response is by observing its physical responses to stimuli.

Simple emotions like happiness or excitement are evident when a dog is wagging its tail or jumping around the room when you are with them. When silent and withdrawn, you should know that they are sad and might need some comfort.

Humans have an intuitive sense of understanding complex emotions through visual inputs. Though dogs and humans cannot talk to each other, pet parents develop a sense of their dog’s emotions just like parents of a baby understand when it needs to feed or needs its diapers changed.

Various psychological studies show that this can be a good bonding experience for both sides. When it comes to embarrassment, learning the signs and symptoms of your dog’s behavior can be a rewarding experience.

Signs That Your Dog Is Embarrassed

Let’s say you hear a loud crash in your living room and rush there. Along with a broken vase, you find your pup sitting next to it with droopy eyes and a look that you know is nothing but guilt. Let us take another example. Your dog went for a grooming session, and some unfortunate accident with its tail leaves your dog embarrassed.

You can expect your dog to try to hide their tail in whatever way possible, sometimes even refusing to go out of the room. This is just like a human would react after a bad haircut.

Here are a few more signs that an embarrassed dog will show:

  • Changes in body postures like lowering of ears and tucking their tails
  • Changes in body language like not making eye contact or turning their head away
  • Submissive behavior like rolling on the floor
  • Refusing to go out of the room
  • Hiding and becoming silent
  • Becoming anxious or restless

If you ever see your dog doing any of the above, it’s safe to say that they have been up to some mischief and are now being coy about it!

Dog Emotions

Dogs are one of the oldest domesticated species. This has led to an evolutionary bond between dogs and humans. Researchers over the years have tried to understand how this impacts the emotions of a modern canine.

How dogs can get embarrassed is something that has intrigued scientists for years. Embarrassment is, after all, one of the more complex emotions that need higher brain function. Since dogs usually have a knee-jerk reaction in most situations, it is obvious to ask how they can feel such a complex emotion.

The brains of dogs have been studied over the years, but there are still some challenges to understanding how their emotions work. Depending on the circumstances, many say that they have observed their dogs laughing, crying, or feeling guilty. 

In recent years, veterinary researchers have also mentioned that dogs can feel complex emotions like jealousy and intense grief. All of these are exhibited through their physical behavior and can be understood on close observation.

Vets always ask pet parents to observe the behavior of their dogs closely if there is a sudden change. Since humans and dogs form an intuitive bond, understanding your dog’s physical and mental situation will help you know if it is in some pain or feeling sick or embarrassed.  

How to Train Your Dog to Deal With Embarrassment 

Dogs are such amazing companions because they can express their emotions and empathize with people. So when your dog is feeling embarrassed about something, you should know that they need a little extra care. 

As a pet parent, you need to help your dog get over their feeling of guilt or embarrassment as they are feeling it. The best idea is to use a few training tactics and bonding exercises to make them more confident in social situations. 

Consider training your pup early on. They should be trained to deal with negative emotions like distress or the temptation to hide when embarrassed, which might make them want to run away. If you want to keep them safe, train them to go into their crate when they feel such things. This way, you can be there to help them while also keeping a close eye on them. 

Another way you can train your dog to deal with feelings of embarrassment is by making them more social. They can learn to be more outgoing and interactive if you get them used to being around people and other dogs (socialization).

Learning that other dogs have similar shortcomings will make them feel more secure and confident in their abilities. Positive reinforcement works wonders with training dogs, so try to give them a treat when they come out and meet others. 

With patience and consistency, your dog will learn that there is nothing to be embarrassed about and can remain calm in any situation.

In conclusion, the answer to the question, do dogs get embarrassed? is a definite yes. If you observe them closely, you will understand how your dog feels and what you should do to make it more comfortable.

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