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10 Exotic Fruits That Dogs Can Eat

Written by Viena
Viena is passionate about all sorts of domesticated pets. They have written dozens of articles across the web.
Published on
Saturday 19 December 2020
Last updated on
Tuesday 9 May 2023
exotic fruits that dogs can eat
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Feeding your fur balls with exotic fruits that dogs can eat is enjoyable to our canine friends and pet owners. Canines naturally love sweets, including fruits, as treats. Most of the time, dog parents share their food with their pets. It happens even without knowing first whether the food is good or bad for the dogs.

One of the healthiest snacks you can give your pets is fruit. However, there are certain fruits that you can eat that dogs cannot. So, below is a list of fruits that your dogs can eat, which they can also enjoy munching with you.

1. Apricot

Apricots, also known as Armenian plums, are round and yellow stone fruits. It looks like a smaller peach but with a bit of sourness like purple plums. An apricot is tasty and very nutritious. It contains potassium and beta carotene. Further, apricots provide many health benefits, including better digestion and improved eye condition.

While dogs can safely eat apricot fruits, you must give them to your pets with caution. Like plums, peaches, and apples, apricot pits have toxic cyanide. Moreover, the seed is big enough to block a tiny pup’s throat and stomach. Thus, it is wise to remove the seeds if you want to share apricots with your dog.

apricot for dogs
When given in moderation, apricots are safe for dogs.

2. Cucumber

Although most people think that cucumbers are vegetables, they are fruits. It is an antioxidant that contains water, soluble fiber, and a lot of nutrients. This low-calorie fruit is excellent in preventing dehydration. Also, it has protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1, magnesium, potassium, biotin, and manganese. This crunchy exotic fruit is safe for dogs to eat. It has minimal carbohydrates, sodium, fats, and oils; thus, just the perfect snack for overweight dogs.

However, there is still the risk of overeating and choking when feeding your pets with cucumber. To avoid these, always cut the fruit into manageable sizes before letting your dog eat it. More importantly, if you have small dogs. And, as a rule of thumb, follow the 10% motto in feeding cucumber to your pups. It means that this fruit snack must make up 10% of your pet’s daily meal to prevent binging.

Further, cucumbers are known for their high water content, which is about 96%. Therefore, these are fruits that dogs can eat, especially in how weather conditions. But, never give pickles to your pets. These fermented cucumbers may contain spices and salt that are harmful to dogs. Hence, it is best always to provide them with fresh fruits.

3. Watermelon

Watermelons consist of 92% water with lots of nutrients. It has vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, lycopene, antioxidants, fiber, and amino acids. Amino acids are the basic building blocks for protein in our bodies. Hence, it enables the human body to function efficiently and optimally. Likewise, lycopene is famous for heart care and prostate cancer prevention, just like tomatoes and red grapefruits.

As for your dogs, yes, they can eat watermelon. It is an excellent source of water to keep you canine babies hydrated. Watermelon is also the perfect fruit to feed your pups when they are sick. However, unlike humans, dogs should not eat the rind and seeds of watermelon. The fruit seeds can cause blockage in an animals’ intestine. Meanwhile, rind intake may result in gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea.

There are also other tropical fruits that dogs can safely eat. So if you are asking, “Can a dog eat mango?” The answer is yes. Bananas, papayas, pineapples, and cantaloupes are the other tropical fruits that dogs can eat.

4. Dragon Fruit

A dragon fruit, otherwise known as strawberry pear or pitaya, is a famous superfood among the health-conscious. It is high in nutrients without the high calories. Packed with essential minerals and vitamins, it is a perfect source of dietary fiber. It contains beta-carotene, prebiotics, carbohydrates, magnesium, vitamins C, and E.

The dragon fruit is an antioxidant that can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, the prebiotics in this fruit keeps the balance of healthy bacteria in your stomach. Also, this super fruit helps boost your immune system and prevent body infection. Dragon fruit is an amazingly healthy food that also tastes good. Moreover, your dog is safe to eat this exotic fruit.

If your fur baby hasn’t eaten it yet, it is time to introduce it to this super snack. However, do not forget to peel off the pink, spiky skin before giving it your pup. Your dog cannot digest its leathery covering. Dragon fruits can help improve your dog’s immune system to keep them healthy. Likewise, the fiber content will allow your pet’s digestive tract in good condition by removing harmful toxins. Finally, its omega-3 will make your pup’s skin and coat healthy and shiny.

Your pet will surely love the fruit’s flavor and sweetness without you having to worry about toxicity. Dragon fruit is the perfect food that you and your dogs can eat. But, never give too much of this fruit to your pooch. It can cause an upset stomach and loose stools.

5. Boysenberry

Many of you are familiar with blueberries and cranberries. However, very few recognize boysenberries. It is a cross-fruit between a Pacific blackberry and a raspberry. And just like other berries, you get the same health benefits from a boysenberry as well. You can find the following healthy vitamins in boysenberries:

  • Natural antioxidants
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Fiber
  • Folate

This fruit can lessen the risk of diabetes and kidney stones. However, finding this fruit may be a bit challenging since it is not as popular as the other berries. But if you find some, you can give a few of these exotic fruits for dogs to eat. Its antioxidant content will provide as much benefit, not only to humans but to canines as well. The seeds of boysenberries are also non-toxic to your pets. But, only give this fruit to your pup in moderation to avoid digestion problems.

Naturally, you can also give blueberries and cranberries to keep your fur baby healthy. But, never give wild berries to your dogs, since they usually contain toxins that are harmful to pets.

6. Acai Berry

Acai berries are reddish-purple grape-like fruits that typically measure around one to two centimeters long. It has a pleasing berry taste with a little trace of dark chocolate. This exceptional taste makes it appealing to first-time eaters. It is rich in antioxidants, even better than other berries. Thus, this fruit is commonly used as an ingredient for cosmetics and beauty products. It is famous among people who want to fight aging and control weight gain.

Letting your dog eat this exotic fruit is safe. Acai berries can make your pet’s immune system more robust and helps improve its digestion. Another benefit it provides is that it can help your dog keep its coat healthy and shiny.

Acai berries also contain calcium for your dog’s healthy bones. It also has anthocyanins and omega-3. Thus, this berry is a good source of healthy fats, aside from fish. It is also rich in vitamins C and E that can help maintain your dog’s good form and appearance. However, give acai berries to your pets in moderation, since this fruit has theobromine content. Theobromine is the same compound found in chocolates that can lead to dog poisoning.

7. Kumquat

kumquat for dogs
Kumquats are rich in vitamin C.

Kumquats are tiny oval-shaped citrus fruits with edible and thin skin that is even sweeter than the pulp. It has tons of vitamins and minerals, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. This tiny fruit is also one of the best sources of fiber. It can help people lose weight, strengthen the bones, lower sugar, and cholesterol levels. Additionally, it contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, and C.

Dogs can safely eat this citrus fruit due to its low-fat content. The kumquat’s fiber and vitamin C can boost the digestive and immune systems of your pet. Just like other fruits, do not overfeed your dogs with kumquats. It may cause stomach upset and diarrhea due to its sugar content. Also, make sure to take the seeds out and cut the fruit into tiny pieces to prevent pets from choking.

8. Blood Orange

Another healthy citrus fruit that provides many health benefits is the blood orange. It is a variety of sweet orange that is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and anthocyanins. These anthocyanins give the fruit its intense crimson color and antioxidant properties. It is also known to prevent cancer, diabetes, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Your dogs can eat blood oranges, and any other citrus fruits, which are good sources of vitamin C for your pets. This vitamin can help improve the animals’ immune systems. However, it is prudent to keep this fruit away from diabetic dogs due to its high sugar content. Hence, you must give only one to two parts per day to prevent obesity. It is also wise to cut out the peel and seeds from oranges, which can be harmful to your dogs.

9. Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is an exotic purple fruit that your dogs can eat for its nutritional content and health benefits. It has a very soft pulp, hard protective rind, and numerous seeds inside. This fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, potassium, fiber, vitamins A, and C. People with diabetes can eat this fruit since, unlike melon and pineapple, it has a low glycemic index value.

Although some people latex allergy may have adverse reactions with this fruit, passion fruits are non-toxic to dogs. However, never give un-ripened passion fruits to both humans and pets. Un-ripened ones may contain a form of cyanide toxicity. Also, dogs should not eat the seeds of passion fruits since they also contain cyanide.

10. Guava

We all love guavas, especially in jellies and jams. Guavas, also known as sand plum, has tiny hard seeds inside. Its skin color is green to light yellow and emits a strong sweet scent. This delicious food is known to be as one of the superfruits for its healthy vitamins and mineral contents, as follows:

  • Vitamin C
  • Lycopene
  • Antioxidants
  • Manganese
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorous
  • Calories
  • Sugar
  • Calcium
  • Water

With all these health benefits, guavas, including apple guavas commonly found in markets, are safe for dogs to eat. But as with any other fruits, guavas eaten in excess can lead to a dog’s upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. Thus, you must always know when you have given your pet just enough fruits for the day.

guava for dogs
Guavas have a ton of health benefits!

So, are you still asking, “Can dogs eat papaya or pineapple?” It is prudent for pet owners to know what exotic fruits can dog eat. Being aware is the key to keep your canine friends healthy. You should also be familiar with the other fruits that dogs can’t eat. When in doubt about a particular food, it is best to consult with the veterinarian.

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